Primary Election Moved to Tuesday, June 10, 2025
On December 31st, 2024, Governor Murphy signed into law legislation (A-5152) that reschedules the 2025 Primary Election from Tuesday, June 3rd to Tuesday, June 10th, due to the observance of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot.
Please be advised that deadlines related to the the filing of petitions, drawing of ballot positions and the mailing of Vote by Mail Ballots will remain the same, as if the election were still to be held on June 3rd.
Vote-by-Mail Ballot Drop Box Locations
Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot may be returned using any of the 30 drop boxes located throughout the county.
View the ballot drop box locations for Morris County voters.
Track Your Vote-by-Mail Ballot
The status of your Vote-by-Mail Ballot may be tracked using the NJ Division of Elections' My Voter Record website.
- First, create an account if you do not already have one.
- Once your Vote-by-Mail Ballot has been voted and submitted, sign in to My Voter Record.
- Navigate to “Mail-in Ballot History”. When your ballot has been received by the Board of Elections, the page will display a “Ballot Received Date”. Once the ballot is accepted, the “Ballot Status” will show as “Accepted”. If your ballot has not been received yet, it will not be listed.
What We Do
- Receive Mail-In Ballot requests and process them
- Send out Mail-In Ballots
- Offer in-person early voting for all elections in the County, along with extended hours on certain days prior to Primary and General Elections
- Design and print Mail-In, Emergency, Provisional, Voting Machine and Sample Ballots
- Distribute petitions for county and local offices, State Committee, November School Board candidates, Independent candidates and County Committee
- Collect petitions for county offices, November School Board candidates, State Committee and Independent candidates
- Tabulate election results on election night
- Certify the election results to the NJ Division of Elections
- Assist in the process of filing Financial Disclosure Statements that are required for certain public employees and officials
- Work closely with the 39 municipalities in Morris County and the Board of Elections to ensure that the entire election process runs smoothly
*Email FPCAs and Opt-Out Forms to MorrisCountyClerkElections@co.morris.nj.us or fax to 973-285-5233
Primary Election Petitions & Signature Requirements
Please note: New legislation (A-5152) reschedules the 2025 Primary Election from Tuesday, June 3rd to Tuesday, June 10th, due to the observance of the Jewish holiday of Shavuot. Deadlines related to the the filing of petitions, drawing of ballot positions and the mailing of Vote by Mail Ballots will remain the same, as if the election were still to be held on June 3rd.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: A-5117, a bill that increases the number of signatures needed on nominating petitions, has been signed by Governor Murphy and is retroactive to January 1, 2025. Candidates for county offices and municipal offices will now need a number of signatures based on the votes cast for General Assembly at the most recent primary election or based on the population at the last federal census. Please refer to the revised petitions and Municipal Candidate Petition Signature Requirements above.
Please also be aware that there is pending legislation (A-5116) that could impact the nominating petition process and candidates associating together on the primary ballot.
School Board Petitions
- Candidate Petition (NJSBA sample petitions for November General Election usually available in May)
IMPORTANT NOTICE: A-5117, a bill that increases the number of signatures needed on a nominating petition for a board of education election from 10 to 25 signatures, has been signed by Governor Murphy and is retroactive to January 1, 2025. Nominating petitions for the April 2025 school election and all future elections must include 25 signatures.
Election Law Enforcement Commission Reporting Forms
Please refer to the Chronological Election Timelines for filing deadlines.
Monday - Friday
8:30 AM - 4:00 PM
Contact Us
Send us an email.